Hello! You may or may not notice lots of major party guides, as well as last month’s Penguin Style guide is missing. Guides can be time-consuming to write, especially for CPJ’s most recent parties which have been growing with each party. On top of that, the wiki itself may also act as a guide. The wiki is first priority; after all this is the Club Penguin Journey Wiki! That being said, as the sole writer of the wiki forum guides nowadays, I’d like to apologize to any readers who read these guides.
However, if you are looking for in-depth guides that are usually on time, CPJ Secrets has you covered! This Discord server was created by fellow wiki staff member Bronwyn as a successor to CPJ Cheats and features catalog, party, and pin secrets and more, such as mascot tracking and a welcoming community! Since the Halloween Party is underway, this would be a perfect time to let you know! Consider CPJ Secrets and CPJ Wiki affiliates. :P You can join here:
With that said, guides will still be uploaded here, mostly in the form of pin guides as they are short and easy to write! Other guides may be written if there’s time. Please don’t forget to keep on reading or editing the wiki as well, and also join the wiki’s Discord server which also has a cool community if you have the time! Until then, enjoy the Halloween Party and don’t get too spooked! See you around!