Club Penguin Journey Wiki

Crab's Treasure is a hard difficulty Game stamp in Club Penguin Journey. It can be earned by playing Aqua Grabber at the Iceberg.


Available from Available until
May 18, 2023 September 23, 2024
October 13, 2024 Still Available

How to Obtain[]

In order to obtain this stamp, a player has to collect all the treasure from the crab in the Soda Seas level in Aqua Grabber.

  1. Bring 4 of the 5 barrels of cream soda to the net, purifying the water, and allowing access to the cave containing the worm.
  2. Go to the top cave on the left side of the level and crash into the ceiling, in order to make a worm fall from the ceiling.
  3. Catch the worm and use it to catch Fluffy, the yellow fish wandering around the center of the level.
  4. Go to the second cave from the top on the right side of the level, and use Fluffy to lure out the Mullet (which can also be brought to the net).
  5. Enter the path that the Mullet was blocking, and go to the bottom tunnel.
  6. In the bottom of the tunnel, another cave is found, containing a pile of coins and a crab.
  7. Collect all of the coins from the pile, the crab cannot take a single one for the player to get the stamp.

