The Green Puffle is a species of puffle in Club Penguin Journey. Green puffles are energetic, playful, and like to clown around. Their favorite toys are the unicycle and propeller cap. Their favorite game is Jet Pack Adventure.
Green puffles can be purchased in the Pet Shop in the Adopt A Puffle catalog.
- Gum - Chews gum and blows bubble, making a balloon animal-shaped figure.
- Cookie - Hops on top of the cookie, cracking it and disintegrating it. It eats the debris.
- Puffle O's - Eats the whole bowl of Puffle O's, then belches.
- Bath - Jumps in the tub, goes underwater, then jumps out. A hairdryer then dries them off.
- Play - Rides around left and right on a unicycle, falling off at the end.
- Sleep - Sleeps while opening its mouth and drooling.
- Dance - Flies up and down while wearing a propeller cap.
- The green puffle is featured in a few mini-games, including Jet Pack Adventure and Puffle Roundup.
- The Keeper of the Boiler Room is a green puffle.
Four Jet Pack Adventure Stamps can be obtained with the green puffle
Icon | Name | Description |
Puffle Pilot | Bring a green puffle into the game | |
Puffle Bonus | Your green puffle collects 200 coins | |
Puffle Plus | Your green puffle collects 450 coins | |
Puffle Boost | Your green puffle gets a gas can when you run out of fuel |