Club Penguin Journey Wiki

Case of the Missing Coins is the third Penguin Secret Agency mission point-and-click mission. It was released on November 10, 2023.


Spy Phone Spoiler alert!
The following is a guide for Mission 3: Case of the Missing Coins and contains spoilers for the mission.

Mission start[]

The mission begins in the Gift Shop, where you will talk to Rookie about the missing coins from the vault. Ask him if the vault appears to have been tampered with, to which he will respond that he can close it without problem, and proceed to do so. Rookie is unable to open the vault without the combination number, but mentions that it's probably upstairs. Head up to the office.

Obtaining the combination number[]

Once upstairs, you will see a computer. For now, move to the right until you see an orange couch. Click under it and pick up the floppy disk and the paper clip. Go to the aforementioned computer and insert the floppy disk, then press the power button. Once the computer powers on, click "My Files" and then click "Combination Number".

Memorize or write down the letter and numbers, then go back downstairs. Enter the combination into the vault. Note that the letters stand for the compass directions North (up), East (right), South (down), and West (left).

Back at the vault, input the numbers into the correct spots, then press confirm. Once the vault opens, go inside. You will find the coins on the ceiling, at which point Gary will call you to meet in the HQ.

Rooftop investigation[]

Gary will tell you to watch one of the screens, which reveals the coins mysteriously rising to the ceiling. G will ask you to investigate. Ask him for suggestions, in which he will suggest you take a look upstairs. Ask him if there's anything else you should know and he will open a drawer of keys. Translate the Tic-Tac-Toe Code on the keys (using the code guide at the bottom right of your screen) and find the key marked "ROOFTOP" - it will be in the top left corner of the drawer.

Return to the gift shop and head upstairs. Find the door marked "To Roof" and use the key on it. Once there, you will find a giant magnet. Pick up the tuft of white fur hanging out of the vent. Use your Spy Phone and take out the wrench from the "Tools" button, then use it on the power box loosen the bolts. Look into the power box and throw in the paper clip to short circuit it. This will cause the coins in the vault to crash down to the ground.

Head back downstairs and talk to Rookie, then report your findings to G. Tell Gary about the magnet, then give him the white tuft you found. Gary will then ask you to take on another small mission to restore power to the Dance Club; if you turn down the request, the mission will end.

Make sure to claim your reward before exiting!

OPTIONAL: Secret award[]

If you accept Gary's small mission, head to the right of the HQ and pick up the flashlight. Alternatively, if you bought the Dark Vision Goggles from the F.I.S.H. before the mission, you will be able to use those in this mission. Head to the Town. An upset brown penguin will be in front of the Dance Club; he will ask you to restore power to the Dance Club. Enter the Dance Club.

Once inside, use the flashlight or Dark Vision Goggles in your inventory, and locate the Boiler Room secret entrance speaker. Head into the Boiler Room and find the fuse box and click on it. The puzzle inside requires you make all the circles turn green. Refer to the instructions on the right for how to do this. Be patient with this puzzle, as it can take a while to solve.

Once you turn the power back on, return to Gary. After talking to him, the mission will end and you will be able to receive the Card from Dancing Penguin award.

Make sure to claim your rewards before exiting!


  • Several in-game effects occurred that coincided with the mission's release:
    • At the Town, the Dance Club sign is unlit.
    • The Dance Club is completely unlit.
    • These in-game effects were undone on November 13, 2023.

