Club Penguin Journey Wiki
Club Penguin Journey Wiki
Circus Tent Pin Past Event
This is about an event that has previously occurred in Club Penguin Journey.

The Penguin Band Holiday Concert was a live concert in Club Penguin Journey that took place at the Lighthouse during the Holiday Party 2023. It featured a holiday performance with the members of Penguin Band: Franky, G Billy, Petey K, and Stompin' Bob in Christmas themed attire. 2 tracks were played.

By clicking Petey K, the green penguin playing the piano would allow the player to obtain the Band Background.

Track List[]

  • 1. Cool In The Cold
  • 2. Anchors Aweigh (Vocal)


Instrumental Music[]

ID Name Composer Music
536 Cool in the Cold Cadence

Vocal Music[]

Giveaway Items[]

Icon Name Location
Band Background Icon
Band Background Clicking on Petey K (The green penguin)




