Club Penguin Journey Wiki
Club Penguin Journey Wiki
Circus Tent Pin Past Event
This is about an event that has previously occurred in Club Penguin Journey.

The Penguin Band Jazz Concert was a live concert in Club Penguin Journey that took place at the Coffee Shop during the Music Jam 2024. It featured a jazz performance with the members of Penguin Band: Franky, G Billy, Petey K, and Stompin' Bob in jazz attire. 4 tracks of the genre theme were played. It was part of a concert rotation schedule.

Obtaining the giveaway background by clicking any of the performers from this concert would allow the player to unlock additional VIP access in the Jazz Merch Booth. This enabled the player to purchase more items, including the Jazz VIP Pass, which is one of the 4 genre VIP passes needed to enter the VIP Backstage within the Gift Shop.

Track List[]

  • 1. Here’s Charlie
  • 2. Jetpack Jazz
  • 3. Sail Me to the Iceberg
  • 4. Thin Iced Latte


ID Name Music
1116 Here's Charlie
1117 Thin Iced Latte
1118 Sail Me to the Iceberg
1119 Jetpack Jazz


Giveaway Items[]

Icon Name Location
Penguin Band Jazz Giveaway Icon
Penguin Band Jazz Giveaway Clicking on any Penguin Band member

Booth Unlockables[]

Icon Name Location Cost
Jazz VIP Pass
Jazz VIP Pass Jazz Merch Booth 50 Coin Icon
Olive Green
Olive Green 20 Coin Icon
Jazz Vinyl Record
Jazz Vinyl Record 200 Coin Icon


Icon Name Location
Ultimate Fan Stamp
Ultimate Fan Present in the Coffee Shop during the live concert




